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The latest Flipnotes uploaded to Kaeru Gallery.

Info + Update by BerryKat (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Info + Update
Creator: BerryKat

Puffball has a message for you. by PuffballOfficial (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Puffball has a message for you.
Creator: PuffballOfficial

MIDI Billie Jean by SnugleGear (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: MIDI Billie Jean
Creator: SnugleGear

shock by moon (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: shock
Creator: moon

bob sparker turn by moon (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: bob sparker turn
Creator: moon

Kazutora WIP by Lee (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Kazutora WIP
Creator: Lee

Art Dump - no animation by LilyStarr (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Art Dump - no animation
Creator: LilyStarr

Monsters part two by Levina Love (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Monsters part two
Creator: Levina Love


Monster part one by Levina Love (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Monster part one
Creator: Levina Love


I am now on Kaeru! by PuffballOfficial (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: I am now on Kaeru!
Creator: PuffballOfficial

Incredible house by CreeperCraft (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: Incredible house
Creator: CreeperCraft

gift animation wip by 刺絡 (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: gift animation wip
Creator: 刺絡

doodles of my ocs by 刺絡 (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: doodles of my ocs
Creator: 刺絡

firey n leafy race! by rafa (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: firey n leafy race!
Creator: rafa

How To Be Cool! by rafa (Flipnote thumbnail)
Title: How To Be Cool!
Creator: rafa