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Title: pro nintendo gamer tip: get a Wii U, here's why
Creator: @yoshiandbirdo
Star Coins:0
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Uploaded | Sun, Oct 17 2021 17:14 |
Comments 2
Comment author: MiniMango22
Posted: Sun, Oct 17 2021 21:36
And Pretendo Network's Miiverse revival looks different
Comment author: MiniMango22
Posted: Sun, Oct 17 2021 21:36
My reasons are that I know how to play Switch games on Wii U, there are TWO revivals on Miiverse, 1. Rverse
2. Pretendo Network
Rverse already works on the 3DS (but the server is down) and there is a Alpha version coming out for the Wii U in a couple of days, and Pretendo Network (Pretendo Network is Wiimmfi for the 3DS and Wii U, it will bring Streetpass Relays, Wii U chat, Miiverse, Splatoon Splatfests, and obviously online multiplayer) is on the Wii U, but you need Patreon